Video Game Flash Fiction Front Cover


Flashing from the 1970s and 1980s and the United States of America to now, Video Game Flash Fiction writes from stories inspired by the bit beeps and bit blocks of Atari 2600 video games and American Life.

From Freem mining asteroids for her down payment on a home in Kentucky to the USA and USSR playing a winner-take-all-the-spies game of Pelé's Soccer, the stories Pong, Asteroids, Breakout, Freeway, Surround, Jungle Hunt, Berzerk, Maze Craze, Pitfall, Space Invaders, MegaMania, Kaboom, Donkey Kong, Barnstorming, Missile Command, Bump 'N' Jump, Pelé's Soccer, Gunslinger, Space Shuttle, Kangaroo, Pole Position, River Raid, Yars' Revenge, Adventure and Pac-Man flash into the mind following the instructions.


1. Open Video Game Flash Fiction.

2. Read...

3. If the flash fiction story doesn't connect or has a bug then blow on the story and it may clear one's mind like blowing on a game cartridge may clear its connection to the computing console.

Book Availablity:

Streaming Story Creation:

" Video Game Flash Fiction Back Cover

Copyright © 2023 Kalab J. Oster